Category: Julia

Interactive Visualizations Using the Julia Package Pluto


The Julia package Pluto makes it easy to write “reactive notebooks” that intersperse code with text, figures, and interactive elements. They have been used for teaching, blog posts and data analysis reports. Below we present some interactive Pluto notebooks developed by UTHSC researchers.  At the moment they are hosted on Binder and may take a… Read More

Julia Debugging Basics by Gregory Farage


This is a practical how-to guide on best practices for debugging code in Julia using the Gallium package. We explore two methods: REPL and Juno-Atom. Installation To use the debugger Gallium in Julia 0.6+, the following packages should be installed: Gallium and ASTInterpreter2. julia> Pkg.add(“Gallium”) julia> Pkg.clone(“”) julia> Pkg.clone(“”) There are two possible ways to debug with Gallium,… Read More

Missing values in Julia by Milan Bouchet-Valat [outside article]


Starting from Julia 0.7, missing values are represented using the new missing object. Resulting from intense design discussions, experimentations and language improvements developed over several years, it is the heir of the NA value implemented in the DataArrays package, which used to be the standard way of representing missing data in Julia.